Hello, my name is Trish, I have been listening to YUNGBLUD since I was in high school (I’m 22 currently) but, I have never felt more understood than, when I listen to this music.
I remember the first time I listened to “Polygraph Eyes” I cried. When he released the album “Weird”, I felt so represented. I’ve discovered more about myself. I’ve learned that what I thought was my sexuality was really; not the correct term that fit me. I am so grateful that YUNGBLUD has given me a space to figure that out, and feel safe in doing so.
I’m from America and right now times are really hard for people like me (Nonbinary, Omnisexual) but, I am so beyond happy that I can put my headphones in and pretend I am somewhere I can be myself freely.
I don’t know if Dom will ever see this but if he does. THANK YOU for making so many people feel like they have a home, in those crowds, in your music, in your presence. I personally haven’t been to a show cause I’m below the poverty line in America but I bought your book when I had a little extra funds and it’s helped my mental health greatly so thank you for that as well. We love you Dom!